Webinar: Overcoming Behavioral Health Challenges and Improved Access in Rural Missouri

When:  Feb 20, 2025 from 14:00 to 15:00 (CT)

Rural health systems across America struggle to meet the growing demands for behavioral health care in their communities. This presentation explores successful programs that have overcome barriers to rural mental health care, both clinically and financially. The presentation will highlight 3 different care models used in rural health systems: ED management, Intensive outpatient psychiatry, Rural health clinics.

MRHA Webinar: Overcoming Behavioral Health Challenges in Rural Missouri

February 20th at 2:00 PM (CT)


Target Audience: FQHC's, Rural/CAH Hospitals, Rural Health Clinics, CMHC's and others...

Hosted by the Missouri Rural Health Association and presented by Psychiatric Medical Care, this lunch and learn webinar is FREE OF CHARGE and open to the public. 

This session is part of the benefit package offered to sponsors of the 2024 Missouri Rural Health Conference. Thank you to PMC for your support!


Online Instructions:
Url: http://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqc-2opz4uGtLEwWLofBHF7uHcd8dZNbcN
Login: Please pre-register via the zoom link above.